Monday, May 19, 2014

Death & Resurrection - Easter and the End of the Semester

Sometimes it feels that a faith journey through Lent and then to Easter is out of step with the rhythms of the school year.  Even in my seminary days, exams often coincided with Holy Week.  It was hard to feel in a mood of openness in the midst of the pressures to meet deadlines and prepare for exams. 

And we can feel a little like we are losing some grip -- not enough sleep, prayers suffering, eating not so regular and maybe even some grumpiness. 

Window in St. Severin, Paris of St. Vincent de Paul
My spiritual director used to say, "Anything worth doing is worth doing . . . badly."  That didn't mean to slack off, but it meant that when we need to keep our shoulder to the wheel we needn't worry about aesthetics - how beautiful the result.  The important thing is doing it, and to be at peace with that. 

Recently we read in John's Gospel that oh so human question of Thomas:  "Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"  In response, Jesus says loudly that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Thomas and all of us who wonder at life can come to Him.